Since COVID cases are up, that means that social distancing is more important now than ever! With that being said, let’s look on the bright side- we have even more time to do and try things we’ve always wanted to . . .
We say, let’s make our pets homemade food!

With recent studies touting the importance of a well-rounded diet for your fur-babies, many pet food companies are now using human grade ingredients. But who said that meal prep was easy? These companies definitely cut out most of the work for you; but since we have more time to enjoy at home, making your pet’s food is as easy as using what is already in your kitchens!

Studies have also found that eating “whole foods” is essential to our pet’s health. People have been commenting on the changes in energy levels to skin and coat differences from eating "people food". The Bark Magazine has some great tips on the benefits of making your own dog food here.
We found a couple of food and treat recipes we'd love to share with you!

Starting out simple is key when trying something new and we just love this recipe we found using simple ingredients to make homemade dog food that's super easy to make! Check it out here:
One of our favorite supplement companies, Supa CoCo makes a yummy, healthy coconut/salmon oil supplement that makes every recipe easier by having 2 high grade ingredients in one place.

And now, a fun treat idea! I wouldn't have thought of feeding my dog jello until I found this fun recipe at

Give it a try, Peekaboo loves these!

Move over sourdough bread, we have dog food to perfect!
PetPotion is passionate about what we put IN and ON our pets!